Your membership includes access to ALL the materials in the Busy Kids Do Piano membership program.
Your child can work through the lesson videos and materials at a pace that works well for his age, ability and developmental needs.
I explain new concepts and play the music your child will be learning in a step-by-step format. He works through these at his own pace!
Listening activities, composer biographies, rhythm ensembles and pop lesson tutorials supplement this comprehensive method.
Easy-to-follow checklists help your student track progress through the program.
As your student progresses, she can earn downloadable certificates or points & badges that unlock special bonus lessons.
Theory, technique exercises and music are all downloadable and printable for members.
Monthly practice challenges encourage forward progress. Our members-only Facebook group has loads of resources and ways to engage with your piano teacher.
Guides with tips that correspond to each lesson help you facilitate the program and be your child’s practice partner.
Interactive games are fun ways to review important theory concepts.
What's Included??
and I’m adding more lessons all the time!

- Quarter note, half note, whole note, and eighth note rhythms
- The names of all the white keys on the piano
- Finger numbers
- Middle C & C Position on the keyboard & staff
- Playing with legato & staccato touch
- Intervals of 2nds and 3rds
- Dynamics

- Treble C position, G position
- The stem rule
- Intervals of 2nds, 3rds, 4ths and 5ths
- C Major scale & bridges
- Ritardando and D.C. al Fine
- G Major scale & bridges
- Sharps
- Transposition
- Ledger Lines

- Harmonizing C Major, F Major, G Major, A minor & E minor scales with primary chords
- C Major, F Major, G Major, D Major, A Minor & E minor scales & key signatures, A & E melodic minor scales
- Composing bass clef chords using treble clef melody notes
- Inversions
- Playing music from a lead sheet
- Triplets
- Cross Hand Arpeggios
- Dotted Quarter Notes
- Sightreading
- Playing with a metronome
- Sonatina form
- 3/8 and 6/8 time signature
- Intervals of 6ths
- Composition

- Half steps & whole steps
- Cut Time
- Intervals of 7ths
- The Octave
- One Octave Arpeggios
- D Minor Scale, Primary Chords & Inversions
- Sixteenth Notes
- Hanon Exercises
- Grace Notes
- Largo
- Sonatina Structure
- A Major Scales, Chords, Inversions
- Dotted eighth to sixteenth notes

- Dominant 7ths
- Order of Sharps & Flats
- Writing key signatures with sharps and flats
- Bb Major Scale, Primary Chords and Inversions
- Improvisation
- Eb Major Scale, Primary Chords and Inversions
- Transposition Review
- Circle of Fifths

- Scale studies of C, G, D, and A, E, B, F# and C# Major
- Major and Minor 2nds
- Perfect Intervals
- Diminished & Augmented Intervals
- Whole Tone Scale
- Rhythm Dictation
- Ornamentation
- Improvisation Review
- Sight reading melodies with sharp key signature
- Major & Minor 6ths & 7ths

- Scale studies of F, Bb, Eb, Ab, Db, Gb, and Cb Major
- Review of key signatures
- Diminished & augmented triads
- Chopin
- Texture in music
- More on dominant 7th chords
- Closed & open triads
- Scale degrees & diatonic chords
- Building and improvising with a blues scale
- Rondo form
- Ostinato (aural and visual identification)

- Scale studies of A, E, B, F#, C#, G# natural and harmonic minors
- Transposing, sight-reading and ear-training with minor patterns
- Beethoven’s German Dances
- Review of forms of minor scales
- Duet practice
- Bela Bartok
- 32nd notes
- Double sharps and double flats
- Playing with a backing track

LEVEL 9A & 9B (new!)
- Scale studies of F, C, G and D natural and harmonic minors
- Compound Meter
- 12/8 time signature
- Composing with Alberti bass
- Review of piano rag structure
- Sight-reading and transposing with minor inversions
- Enrique Granados
- Jean-Baptiste Lully
- Counterpoint melodies
- Secondary triads
- Maria Szymanowska
Not only did piano lessons just become so convenient, but it’s so affordable. My two kids (8 & 9 years old) LOVE practicing and working through the modules. Carly is personable and her videos provide clear instructions that my kids understand. She has taken the stress out of practicing by giving us some tips about how to structure practice time.
The music is fun, too! It’s not just lessons, but she has tons of other content about composers, writing music, hymns. The website is easy to navigate. We absolutely love Carly and the expertise she brings to our home! I’m so glad we can access such a wonderful instructor online!
My 5-year-old son woke up the morning after his first lesson, bright and bubbly, and immediately asking for another lesson from Ms. Carly! The parent support materials are awesome and helpful for me in deciding when he is ready for the next lesson. When I have questions, Carly is helpful anda vailable to answer my questions and give me specific suggestions. THe value of this course is incredible for the amount of materials included along with access to an experienced teacher.
THANK YOU for making this SO EASY to incorporate into our already busy and super-packed homeschooling days!
First Place winner in the Music category of the 2024 Practical Homeschooling i-Learn Awards
Upon purchase, you are sent login credentials that will allow you to access the online membership.
You have access to the entire program and can work through the lesson videos at your own pace. Parent guides and checklists will help you facilitate the program at a pace that works well for your student.
“The music and lessons are more engaging and more thorough than when I had a piano teacher coming to my home!“
-Brooke Beach
Choose from four membership options to get your mini-Mozart started!
Public enrollment opes in May!- Full, Instant Access to 360+ Lessons
- Parent Guide & Practice Tips
- Unlimited Support
- Downloadable songs, exercises and theory
- Private, Members-only Facebook Group
- Bonus lessons and materials
- Private, Members-Only Facebook Group
- Access to future levels of the course and course materials as they are released
Public enrollment opens in May!- Full, Instant Access to 360+ Lessons
- Parent Guide & Practice Tips
- Unlimited Support
- Downloadable songs, exercises and theory
- Private, Members-only Facebook Group
- Bonus lessons and materials
- Private, Members-Only Facebook Group
- Access to future levels of the course and course materials as they are released
Public enrollment opens in May!- Full, Instant Access to 360+ Lessons
- Parent Guide & Practice Tips
- Unlimited Support
- Downloadable songs, exercises and theory
- Private, Members-only Facebook Group
- Bonus lessons and materials
- Private, Members-Only Facebook Group
- Access to future levels of the course and course materials as they are released
Public enrollment opens in May!- Full, instant access to 360+ lessons
- Parent Guides & Practice Tips
- Unlimited Support
- Downloadable songs, exercises and theory worksheets
- Private, Members-only Facebook Group
- Bonus lessons and materials
- Access to future levels of the course and course materials as they are released
- Supplementary courses in the Busy Kids program (Busy Kids Play Church Music, Busy Kids Do Composing, Busy Kids Do Music History, Busy Preschoolers Do Music)
- All lesson video files on Google Drive
- Lifetime access
Public Enrollment opens in May!- All the benefits of Lifetime Membership to Busy Kids Do Piano with option to spread out in 5 installments
Public enrollment opens in May!- Full, Instant Access to all lessons and courses in both Busy Moms and Kids Do Piano programs both current and in the future
- Parent Guide & Practice Tips
- Unlimited Support
- Downloadable songs, exercises and theory+Private, Members-only Facebook Group
- Bonus lessons and materials
- Private, Members-Only Facebook Group
Do I need to know how to play the piano in order for my child to do this course?
NOPE! Because of the nature of the course, you will be able to learn concepts along with your child, and I’ve created lots of supportive materials to help you oversee your child’s progress.
If you watch the videos with your child, you will learn all the new concepts along with him. At the end of each lesson’s materials is a PARENT CHECKLIST to help you ensure your child is ready to progress to the next lesson.
I’ve also created a Parent Guide, with specific notes, practice suggestions and things to watch for that correspond with every lesson.
That said, if you WANT to learn to play the piano, I do offer the parents of my Busy Kids a special discount code for my adult-level course (Busy Moms Do Piano), so that they can move at a quicker pace and dig deeper, if they wish.
Can I use this course for more than one child?
Absolutely! One membership can be utilized for your entire household.
If you’d like to set up individual logins with individual progress trackers for each child, there is a $5/month additional charge per account within the same household. If you’d like each student in your household to have an individual login, you can register for the discounted sibling account from your membership dashboard.
Does my child need a fancy piano for practicing?
Fancy pianos are fun to play on, but definitely not required in order to move through this course. Check out this blog post for budget-friendly piano recommendations suitable for your child’s first piano.
What if my student has had previous piano lessons?
No problem! We can make sure your student finds a good starting point within my program. The members’ dashboard includes a brief student assessment to help gauge which level is appropriate for your student. You can also e-mail me with specific questions regarding previous methods and experience so that we can tailor the program to meet your student’s needs.
How old should my child be to enroll in this program?
Every child is unique and there’s not a “one-size-fits-all” age for beginning lessons. I have students as young as 4 all the way through teenagers who are currently working their way through this program.
I have a handy resource guide about getting started with piano lessons that you can have delivered to your inbox HERE that will help you decide if your student is ready for piano lessons.
If you have a younger student at home, check out my Busy Preschoolers Do Music course!
Is there a contract or commitment?
Nope. You can upgrade or cancel your account anytime and for any reason. If you cancel before the end of the billing period, you’ll retain access until that period is over.
How long will it take to complete the lessons in the membership program?
You can adjust the courses to fit the needs and abilities of your child. Many students breeze through the first lesson or 2 (or more) but then need additional time to work through later lessons as things get more detailed. You will guide your child to move through it at a pace that fits for him — there’s no right or wrong pace to move from one lesson to the next.
I’m often adding new material, so there is plenty for your student to work through!
Will I have access to you as my piano teacher?
Yes! I am active on our members-only Facebook group on weekdays to give feedback and offer additional tips and value.
You may submit videos to me at any time for individual feedback.
I’m also very responsive to e-mail!
Do I have to purchase books?
Your subscription includes all the pages of music, theory and bonus materials — everything your child will need to complete the lessons in the course — in a downloadable format. The only additional material I might suggest (besides a piano, of course) would be a rhythm instrument, such as a tambourine, drum, triangle or wood block