As a longtime church musician, I enjoy playing hymns just as much as I enjoy playing Mozart.
I began playing for my own congregation at just 7-years-old. As a piano teacher, mom and church musician, I always try to get children involved in learning hymns and playing for worship as early as possible. These courses contain a variety of hymns that are appropriate to play for worship services — but are certainly wonderful and fulfilling to learn of their own accord!
Video Lessons
where I explain theory concepts and help your child practice parts of each hymn.
Downloadable Materials
including music, theory activities and checklists.
Parent Guide
with specific strategies and suggestions for each piece.

In this introductory course, I’ll teach your child 7 hymns and review important concepts taught in Level 1 and the early arts of Level 2 of the Busy Kids Do Piano Program.
Hymns Learned:
- Abide With Me
- Jesus Loves Me
- A Mighty Fortress Is Our God
- Jesus, Shepherd of the Sheep
- Ode to Joy
- Beautiful Savior
- I Know That My Redeemer Lives

In these 6 lessons, we’ll learn additional hymns that review concepts taught in Level 2 of the Busy Kids Do Piano program.
Hymns Learned:
- Praise God, From Whom All Blessings Flow
- Holy, Holy, Holy
- Kumbaya
- Children of the Heavenly Father
- Joy, Joy, Joy
- Just As I Am

This course includes more difficult piano repertoire from composer Valerie Floeter who has graciously given us license to 5 of her arrangements from her Hymns for Young Hands series. I’ll teach your child to play these beautiful arrangements as we review important concepts taught in Level 3 of the Busy Kids Do Piano Program.
Hymns Learned:
- Let All Together Praise Our God
- Glory Be to Jesus
- Go to Dark Gethsemane
- God Loved the World, So That He Gave
- Joy to the World
Purchase one level of the Busy Kids Play Church Music course, or save 15% by purchasing all 3 levels.
You also have the option to purchase a lifetime membership to Busy Kids Do Piano and gain access to the Busy Kids membership program as well as all supplementary piano courses.
Level 1
- +Access to Level 1 Lessons
- Downloadable Materials
- Unlimited Support
Level 2
- +Access to Level 2
- Downloadable Materials
- Unlimited Support
Level 3 (NEW!)
- +Access to Level 3
- Downloadable Materials
- Unlimited Support
Church Music Bundle
- +Access to Levels 1, 2 and 3 of Busy Kids Play Church Music
- Downloadable Materials
- Unlimited Support
Frequently Asked Questions
Does my child need to be a member of the Busy Kids Do Piano program to take this course?
Nope! Any piano student can use this course to supplement his piano lessons. If your child can read staff note music in C position and Middle C position, she can play the hymns in these modules.
I already subscribe to the Busy Kids Do Piano program. Do I have access to this, too?
If you are a lifetime member of the Busy Kids Do Piano course, this course is included as part of your membership and you will be able to access it within your membership dashboard.
If you’re a monthly or annual subscriber, you will need to purchase this course separately in order to have access to the lessons.
Can I use this course for more than one child?
Is this a recurring fee or one-time fee?
Supplementary courses are one-time fees. You purchase lifetime access to the course with your one-time fee.